Let’s face it, the weather this week is **** raining cats and dogs!

And as much as we may feel like just curling up and watching the new season of the Alienist on Netflix, rainy days can actually be put to pretty good use. Look at your long list of decluttering you’ve been meaning to get on with, and pick just one room / area / category to get started on and do it!

We think you will thank us later!

Here at My Storage we get to see our fair share of stuff. We know how hard it is to get on with sorting things out, whether its because you’re moving and actually have to physically pack everything you own away, or if its something as simple as sorting away the winter wadrobe and unpacking the summer clothes that have been stowed away. Maybe you have a garage absolutely full of tools, horse gear, sports gear and gardening items – but just haven’t had the will power (or time) to get sorting it under way.

We are hear to help!

Here’s our top tips for starting your decluttering project on this rainy day!

  1. Pick a task you can achieve in a day and set yourself a deadline. Not only will you feel awesome for ticking something off your list, but you will also have less chance of wandering away from the project and leaving it half finished for another (rainy) day.
  2. Be brutal if you’re clearing out a wardrobe. Try not to reminisce about the last time you wore that special dress or leather jacket. Experts say if you have not worn the item in the last six months (seasonal) then it has to go!
  3. Write a list if you aren’t sure where to begin or how to tackle a certain project. If you’re making a start on the garage, pick a category to knock off first – rather than jumping from one section to the next. So if you’re starting with the garden tools – stick with the garden tools. Then tick off that section from your list and move on to the next.
  4. Make sure you have plenty of boxes to stack charity shop items in – you will be suprised at what you end up donating and it will be less tempting to keep things you do not really need if you pop them straight into a box. Out of sight, out of mind!
  5. Be realistic and consider putting overflow items and boxes or furniture into storage with us here at My Storage. There is nothing worse than doing a big clearout and tidy up of your garage, only to find in 6 months time because of the volume of gear you own, it’s back to square one again.




03 544 4393


68 Gladstone Road

Richmond, Nelson

128 Main Road Hope,

Richmond, Nelson


Yard Hours


Open 7 days

April to September
6am – 6pm

October to March
6am – 8.30pm


Office Hours

68 Gladstone Road

Monday to Friday
9am – 2pm



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We are proud to be members of the Self Storage Association of Australasia (SSAA).

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