Where and How to Find Us!

Where and How to Find Us!

My Storage -Space when you need it. Where and How to find us –Easy as! My Storage is situated on 68 Gladstone Road. This is the main road heading out of Richmond towards Brightwater and Wakefield. We are not quite 1.5 km out of town and in the commercial area. So, it...
Tips to help you organise your moving day.

Tips to help you organise your moving day.

We are really pleased and proud of our new My Storage yard. A number of clients have already moved into this storage facility and we have had a lot of very good feedback. The new units are proving to be popular. There are still some units available so please contact...




03 544 4393


68 Gladstone Road

Richmond, Nelson

128 Main Road Hope,

Richmond, Nelson


Yard Hours


Open 7 days

April to September
6am – 6pm

October to March
6am – 8.30pm


Office Hours

68 Gladstone Road

Monday to Friday
9am – 2pm



Payments can be made by Eftpos, internet banking, direct credit, direct debit, or via our website’s secure payment system. Please follow the link below to pay now.


We are proud to be members of the Self Storage Association of Australasia (SSAA).

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Based on 70 reviews